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Chinese translation for "gainful employment"


Related Translations:
gainful:  adj.1.有利益的,有报酬的。2.唯利是图的。adv.-ly ,-ness n.
gainful work:  有报酬的工作
gainful occupation:  有报酬的职业
employment act:  就业法, 劳工法就业法案
family employment:  家庭内雇用
employment enrichment:  就业丰富化
employment issues:  就业问题
flexible employment:  弹性就业弹性聘用(制)
employment listings:  就业机会列表
employment volume:  就业人数
Example Sentences:
1.Are you in gainful employment ?
2.It seems that the pool of people who did voluntary work in the past as a means to help them get back into gainful employment has dried up
3.He she has made contribution to hong kong , such as engaging in a graduate , specialist or senior level gainful employment or establishing a business of a reasonable size in hong kong
4.At the end of this period , entrants admitted under the scheme should be able to demonstrate that they have taken steps to settle in hong kong by taking up residence here , e . g . by securing gainful employment or establishing a business
5.At the end of the first 36 months , an entrant who wishes to further extend his stay must be able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the director of immigration that he has settled in hong kong and is making contribution to hong kong such as by having obtained gainful employment in a graduate specialist senior level job , or by having established a business of a reasonable size here
6.To obtain an extension of stay at the end of the first 12 - month period , a person admitted under the scheme is required to provide evidence demonstrating to the satisfaction of the immigration department that he she has taken steps to settle in hong kong by taking up residence here , e . g . by securing a gainful employment or establishing a business
获本计划核准人士在首1 2个月逗留期限接近届满时申请延期逗留,须提供令入境处信纳的证明文件,证明其已采取来港定居的步骤,在本港居住,例如取得支薪聘任或已建立业务。
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